Tailored EA Visualizations

Highly customized and configurable visualizations for the domain of Enterprise Architecture Management.

Among others, the chair for Software Engineering for Business Information Systems (sebis) at TUM, conducts research on the Enterprise Architecture (EA) management. In this area, several research projects have been carried out by their researchers, which contain a collection of best practices, patterns and guidelines to establish an Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) function within enterprises.

For example, the project Enterprise Architecture Visualization Tool Survey contains the state-of-the-art in EA visualizations, addressing both the industry perspective as well as the EA tool vendor perspective. One of the conceptual frameworks for EA Visualizations described in this project is the View-driven approach to EA modeling.

View-Driven Approach

The View-Driven Approach to EA modeling consist in the creation of visualizations based on initial Views (i.e Mockups), which can be created by designers, possibly with stub or dummy data, and extract the information demand based on the information necessary to generate the EA visualizations afterwards.

View-Driven Approach

As a result, with SocioCortex we generated EA Visualizations with the following properties:

  • Highly customized and configurable visualizations of the application landscapes
  • Data connectors for multiple data sources
  • Push-button for generating PowerPoint presentations

Tailored EA Visualizations